16 March 2015

First inspection (Frame stage)

10th March 2015

I and Michael drove up for our first on site inspection. Without knowing how bad was the traffic, we were 15 minutes early. I checked my calendar to ensure I didn't mix up our appointment and watching BuildSafe's workers going into the mobile toilet (embarrassing).

BuildSafe's workers were there removing the living areas' roof safety fences at the time. Since the garage roof was not installed, they left the safety fences for that area.

07 March 2015

First floor frame completed

1st March 2015

While I was laying on bed, sneezing, blowing my nose, coughing and breathing with my mouth. Nothing stopped Michael (Imagine him walking against the snow storm). He went up to the lot and check on the progress this week.

I thought that the rain will at least halt the construction for a day or two. But it did not look like it at all. Within one week, they had the first floor and roof frame up. It is amazingly quick.

Frame up, rain down

Sorry to keep everyone waiting. There is a lot of catch up to do in this blog. Michael and I have not been well in the last two weeks, just could not get rid of the cold.

22nd February 2015 

Cyclone Marcia did not slow down our building process. We were very luck, we did not get heavy storm or strong wind in Brisbane, we only got heavy rains every now and then.