16 March 2015

First inspection (Frame stage)

10th March 2015

I and Michael drove up for our first on site inspection. Without knowing how bad was the traffic, we were 15 minutes early. I checked my calendar to ensure I didn't mix up our appointment and watching BuildSafe's workers going into the mobile toilet (embarrassing).

BuildSafe's workers were there removing the living areas' roof safety fences at the time. Since the garage roof was not installed, they left the safety fences for that area.

Our site administrator greeted and leaded us into the site through the garage. She told us the garage roof would be installed by that afternoon. Then, they have electricians and air conditioning technicians to run the wires and pipes next week (16th March 2015). Exterior bricks, cladding and interior Sheetrock will be completed in about a month time (10th April 2015).

While we were on site, she is happy for us to look around, take photos, and go up to the first floor through the very "modern" and a little blended stairs (ladder). I admitted to her that I am a bit clumsy, so I would prefer to stay. Michael climbed up and checked on the frames with his QA (quality assurance) eyes. Frames are straight and we are happy.

I told our site administrator everything seems to be on schedule. She said as long as no tradies pull out in short notice, everything should go really smooth at this stage. We have agreed to come back in a month time for our second on site inspection, by then, it will give us a better idea the actual size of each room.

As promise, here are the photos that I took on that day. Unfortunately, Michael did not take any photos of the first floor, we cannot show you how it turns out. Indeed, I am just like you, I have no idea how the first floor looks like.

Living areas' roof  installed
Garage's roof is next
Roof spinning vents are in. Yellow ribbons on the side indicates the down pipes. 
Looking through the "future" wall into the garage
Living room, Michael's zone
Powder room
Family room. I will have enough space to play x-box dancing games
Dinning room
Walk in pantry
Our very "modern" stairs in the staircase area.  :)


  1. Xbox dancing!? Don't tell Sebastian! He will want xbox dance-offs with you! You could hold "Northlake's got Talent" contests :D

    1. He is always welcome. Yes he can dance offs with me, challenge accepted :)
